by Bernice Lee | Nov 22, 2024 | 2024, Articles, Community, Leadership, Soo-Inn Tan
A church member approaches his/her church elders and says that he/she believes God has called him/her to vocational church ministry. How can church leaders decide if an individual is indeed called to that ministry? I prefer the term vocational church ministry rather...
by Bernice Lee | Apr 15, 2022 | 2022, Articles, Death & Grief, Jesus' Death
Death: We are uncomfortable in its presence, and we try everything we can to avoid it. We even avoid talking about it. We use a variety of euphemisms instead, as if we’re afraid that Death itself might overhear. Passed away. Departed from us. Gone to a better place....
by Bernice Lee | Feb 18, 2022 | 2022, Articles, Bernice Lee, Dependence on God, Growth, Obedience & Faithfulness, Widowhood
In another universe and timeline, my life was filled with physical adventure. Armed with compass and map, we sallied forth through the jungle on an offshore island to reach designated checkpoints. I also did something called ‘night orienteering’. This involved getting...
by Bernice Lee | Feb 11, 2022 | 2022, Articles, Christian Living, Loving Others
I stopped at a traffic junction and saw this very ordinary scene to my right. What isn’t obvious in this hurried (and harried) shot I took is that the canopy overhead only allowed the light through patchily. But you can see the results of the scattered rays of...
by Bernice Lee | Oct 22, 2021 | 2021, Articles, Christian Living, Death & Grief, Family, Loving Others
Soo Inn often quips when asked about his mum’s former role as Chairperson of the Penang Baptist Church Board, “She was the best man for the job!”. Known throughout the church as Deaconess Ho (何执事), mum was the one you would go to when you wanted to...