The First Question

The First Question

The request was simple enough. Cross to the other side of the lake. A number of them were seasoned fishermen. They did this all the time. The day was peaceful, peaceful enough for Jesus to take a power nap. And then they were fighting for their lives. One day Jesus...
A Family Tradition

A Family Tradition

I first got the idea from Grace Goh. She encouraged us to take our children out for a good celebratory meal just before they sit for a major exam. She said that when we do this, we send a very clear signal to them that they are loved for who they are and not for how...
Money Makes a Great Pitch

Money Makes a Great Pitch

“Psssst. Give an altar call now and half the church will come forward.” I was speaking at a church camp recently when the pastor of the church whispered the above suggestion. No, I am not that anointed a speaker. As part of my talk, I was personalising the...
Fatherless Children

Fatherless Children

We live in a time of fatherless children. More and more, children grow up in fatherless families. Some lose their fathers through tragedies like fatal accidents or killer diseases. A growing number are victims of parents who divorce, usually ending up with their...