Books Saved My Life

Books Saved My Life

It was 1974. I was a first-year student in the Faculty of Dentistry in the then University of Singapore. My residential hall, KE Hall, had a small library and I was there trying to study for upcoming exams. In a moment of boredom, I decided to check out the collection...
Heat and Light

Heat and Light

“When you are alone, listen to God,” he had posted in response to my Facebook status update. It was a timely reminder from a caring friend. I had been so caught up with the preparations for MAI-Asia’s Publishing Forum in Hong Kong that I hadn’t...
Prof Kana

Prof Kana

I am at that stage of life where I check the obituary everyday. Saw an obituary for Professor Ragunathar Kanagasuntheram in the June 24 issue of the Singapore Straits Times. I checked on-line and found one with more details.   Obituary Notice   Professor...
The Object-Subject Switch

The Object-Subject Switch

In preparation for a lecture, I revisited the temptation narrative in Genesis 3 and learned something new. The first thing that Satan did when he approached Eve was to change God from an object to be worshipped to a subject to be discussed. Here is Satan’s...
People of the Person

People of the Person

Recently I was reminded at a talk that the heart of the Christian faith is not a book. It is a person — Jesus. The context of the comment was our continuing (and necessary) attempts to build bridges with our Muslim friends. It is so tempting to draw the following...
Hearing from God in My “Sarung”

Hearing from God in My “Sarung”

When do you normally hear from the Lord? I normally hear from the Lord in the morning when I am just waking up. I am lying in bed, not yet fully awake. And in that in between time, no longer asleep but not yet fully awake, I hear Him speak. Happened just a few...