by Soo-Inn Tan | Mar 1, 2018 | 2017, 2018, Articles, Christian Living, Faith, Human Rights, Malaysia, World Issues
Nobody likes to lose. Last Sunday my team lost. Arsenal lost to Manchester City, 3–0, during the League Cup Final of the 2018 English Premier League. I suspect not many Arsenal fans shed many tears. We are used to the inconsistency of our team. A more significant loss...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Jan 14, 2015 | 2015, Articles, Human Rights, World Issues
Two public lectures on ‘Muhammad SAW in the Bible’ by Shaykh Afeefuddin Al-Jailani scheduled in Kuching, have been withdrawn after protests. One was to be held at the Kuching Islamic Information Centre tomorrow and the other at the Islamic Centre at Unimas on...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Jun 1, 2007 | 2007, Articles, Human Rights, World Issues
I learnt about taking the long view on life from my Malay neighbour. He once told me that sometimes things may look as though they are going against the purposes of Allah but Allah will win in the end. It may take generations but in the end Allah will win. Now here...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Jul 14, 2006 | 2006, Articles, Human Rights, World Issues
I wonder what I would do if one of my sons were to reject Christianity and embrace Islam. I would try my best to show him the veracity of the Christian faith. I would fast and pray. And if in the end he decides that Islam is the true faith, I would have to respect his...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Mar 23, 2006 | 2006, Articles, Human Rights, World Issues
Jesus’s Kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). This means that often, Christians have little political leverage. Consider the case of Mr. Abdul Rahman. An Afghan man is being prosecuted in a Kabul court and could be sentenced to death on a charge of...