Last week was kinda weird where the Grace@Work mailing list was concerned. You probably received double mailings. Or mailings at email addresses where you may have indicated that you do not want mailings. I apologize for the confusion.
The root cause of all these strange mailing list behaviour was that I was migrating from Yahoo groups, to managing the mailing list ourselves.
Grace@Work has been using Yahoo groups to send out its ecommentary and periodic announcements since we started. But once in a while Yahoo groups has acted strangely. Last week was one such time. I took it as a sign that it was time that we should be managing the list ourselves.
I downloaded the mailing list from Yahoo. But I was not able to download standing instructions. Therefore I also downloaded old email addresses, email addresses that do not want to receive email etc.
Please help me to bring the list up to date and un-subscribing email addresses that no longer work.
Go to the Grace@Work website at and just use the simple tool on the website to un-subscribe or to subscribe new email addresses as the case may be.
I still hope and pray that these weekly reflections will help you make sense of life from a biblical perspective in some way and give you fresh courage for your pilgrimage.
Please pray for me as I seek the Lord for a word every week and support the work if you can.
Thank you and warmest blessings,