Part of a Waiting Creation

Part of a Waiting Creation

I just came back from visiting an old friend in hospital. He is in a coma. Six years my senior, I first met him when I was 15. He was an advisor in the church youth fellowship. He was always smiling, friendly, and approachable. Whenever I had difficulties I would seek...
Go Back to China

Go Back to China

In my four years in Vancouver (1981–1985), when I was studying in Regent College, it happened to me only once. I was on a bus on my way home. At a bus stop, a Caucasian boy, early teens I think, was alighting when he turned back looked at me, and yelled “China man go...
Saved by Grace

Saved by Grace

The email asked if I was ready for my ministry the coming weekend. It came from a pastor friend in Miri (Sarawak) and it left me cold. I didn’t have the ministry commitment in my planner. I vaguely recalled that this was a teaching commitment for 2017. I checked...


Recently I had the privilege to do some teaching in a charismatic church. After my sessions, the pastor asked if I would consider coming back again to do more teaching. Knowing his was a charismatic church I said: ”Well, I can’t do the signs and wonders stuff but...