Baby Boomer Archetypes
Baby Boomer Archetypes

The Para-Churchers
“We can’t expect the church to be good at everything, but there are resources and ministry opportunities in other Christian organisations that we can tap on.“

The Warriors
“The true church is the kingdom of God and it needs to make a clear stand against the harmful influences of the world and some Christians who are misguided.”

The Long Sufferers
“The church is not perfect and there are many areas which we need to do better in, but we all need to stick together in order to find good solutions.”

The Sola Scripturas
“The most important thing to get right in a church is the proper impartation of the Word. As long as we have excellent teaching, the church will stand strong.”

The Mavericks
“The institutional church is being held back by too many regulations, unnecessary rules, and considerations. Maybe we have to step out to truly be used by God.”

The Traditionalists
“The church is an institution with traditions, structures, and hierarchies which were put in place by the wisdom of our forefathers; they should not be taken lightly.”

The Sanctuarists
“The church is a sacred space which needs to be revered and respected. We need to honour God by gathering in church to be in His presence.”
Looking for more?
The Generations Project book is now available. It contains ethnographic insights of the five generations along with considerations and recommendations for intergenerational ministry.
If you would like to explore working with us on how to better bridge the gap between the generations, Graceworks currently offers teaching, training and facilitation on this topic. Please email us at