Silent Generation Archetypes
Silent Generation Archetypes

The Watchful
“While the church is not perfect now, you cannot imagine how bad it was during my youth. We should not become complacent during good times.”

The Pioneers
“Many of the established Christian ministries now were undeveloped in my youth. We just had to trust in God’s grace and figure things out. Nobody knew any better.”

The Forgotten
“Many of my old friends are sick and no longer able to come to church. For those like me who are still able, we just feel like the church we helped build has left us behind.”

The Gung-hos
“I may not be young anymore, but it doesn’t mean that I’m useless. God can and will continue to use me for the good of His kingdom.”

The Grandparents
“The young ones face so many struggles in life that were simply not present in my youth. We need to be patient to understand them and not simply impose our expectations.”

The Enlightened
“The difficult and tough times in life, though undesirable, are not meaningless. It is part of the larger tapestry of life, and we should not allow ourselves to be entirely defined by them.”
Looking for more?
The Generations Project book is now available. It contains ethnographic insights of the five generations along with considerations and recommendations for intergenerational ministry.
If you would like to explore working with us on how to better bridge the gap between the generations, Graceworks currently offers teaching, training and facilitation on this topic. Please email us at