Good News for Bruised Reeds — Colours of the Kingdom


It is likely that some racial prejudice lurks within every one of us, and we need the eyes and tears of others to help us see. This book provides us with the tears of those who have suffered racial prejudice…


This book presents true stories and reflections of Christians in Singapore about grappling with issues of ethnicity or nationality in the church. We hear from individuals who have been on the receiving end of racism as well as inclusive hospitality, individuals who have been convicted by the Lord to repent of their prejudices, and church leaders who are working on intentionally creating inclusive spaces that celebrate ethnic and national diversity. Contributors also share theological, pastoral and practical approaches to this issue.

The primary audience of this book is Christians, whether in leadership or not, for reflection, encouragement, and equipping on this topic. This is not a book to shame or blame local or majority ethnicity Christians, but a call out of love for the whole Church to reflect and work towards becoming a more united and inclusive gospel community reflecting the biblical vision of multi-cultural diversity.

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Weight 240 g


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