In about two weeks’ time, Graceworks will be organising her first seminar of the year. We Helping handsdon’t organise many seminars but this one in particular represents the core mission of Graceworks. God has called Graceworks to champion the course of relational transformation, the desire to see lives transformed for Christ in the context of authentic relationships.

One clue that this is a key agenda is the fact that we have 22 unique “one-another” commands in the New Testament (Wayne Jacobsen & Clay Jacobsen, Authentic Relationships, [Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2003], 21). All these “one-another” commands are specific ways we live out the primary “one-another” command, the command to love one another.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34–35)

This command is part of the Farewell Discourse, that part of John’s Gospel that contains Jesus’ final teaching before He goes to the cross. There are at least three things we learn from these two verses:

1. Christians are commanded to love one another.

2. We are to love one another in the same way that Christ loves us, and that includes love        that is sacrificial and unconditional, among other things.

3. When followers of Jesus love each other in this way we prove that we are truly Jesus’            disciples.

This command is a continuation and further clarification of the lessons that Jesus taught when He washed the feet of the disciples. That means that the primary context to live out the command to love one another are relationships where we are close enough to wash each other’s feet and that means relationships where we are close enough to touch one another. We cannot wash each other’s feet from a distance. Loving one another in authentic relationships then, is a fundamental part of our life in Christ.

This seminar will give the biblical reasons why we need to follow Christ in community. It will then suggest practical ways we can experience this community in small groups and in spiritual friendship groups.

We get many invitations to teach on spiritual friendship, healthy small groups, and spiritual mentoring. We are glad this is happening because it represents a growing awareness of the need for authentic relationships. But there is no way we can say “yes” to every request. Hence we hope that many will sign up for our forthcoming seminar. We appreciate your help.

1. Pray for us.

2. Encourage your friends to come.

3. Sign up for the seminar yourself!



Date: 14 May 2016

Time: 9.30 am – 1.00 pm

Venue: John Wesley Hall, Holland Village Methodist Church,

61 Jln Hitam Manis,

Singapore 278475

Please register at:


P.S. The registration fee of S$25 includes a copy of my book 3-2-1 which retails at S$12. If you already own a copy then think about whom you can give this copy to so that we continue this revolution of spiritual friendship.