Tomorrow it’ll be June. Soon, we will be halfway through 2024. It’s a good time for a mid-year life check. There are at least four things that make life meaningful.
* Communion — our walk with God
* Community — our walk with others
* Co-labour — doing meaningful work as God’s agents
* Cadence — living with a work–rest rhythm 
How are you doing in these four areas of life?
How is your walk with God?  Is the presence of God a constant reality in your life or do you only remember Him during Sunday worship?
Do you invest time drawing close to Him or is your quiet time something you do as a habit with no real encounter with the Holy?
Are you choosing to trust Him in the face of challenges and struggles you are facing?
Do you truly believe that obeying Him is best for you and the world and seek to do that with His strength?
We love because He first loved us. How can we cultivate a constant sense of gratitude to move us to respond to His love?
Are you following Christ in the company of friends?  Do you meet regularly with a small group of intimate friends to help each other follow God?
How are you doing in your key family relationships, e.g., parents and children, spouses, etc.? What are things that are going well in these relationships? What are some areas that urgently need work?
Are you asking God for help to love people you find hard to love?
Are you a friendly person that reflects the friendship of Christ to people you meet?
What are the main challenges you face when you try to find community? What help do you need to overcome these challenges?
Why do you work? Just to pay the bills? How do you honour God with your work?
Think about your daily work whether in church, in the family, or in the marketplace. What does it mean to do good work in your context?
How are you acting as a representative of God in your work? What will people learn about God by how you work?
How can your life at work provoke the question for which Christ is the answer? How can you share the gospel in your workplace?
How do you trust God if you are between jobs? What can you do in the meantime?
Why should you live life with a work-rest rhythm?
In what ways can work become an idol? How can you prevent this from happening?
If we take work seriously, we need also to take rest seriously.  Do you agree? Are you committed to living like this?
Sabbath is not just the absence of work. It is creating space to connect with God and with others, in other words, for communion and for community. What specific things can you do for this to happen?
How can you use sabbaths/Sundays to reboot your life in Him?

Let’s go to doctor Jesus for our mid-year spiritual check-up. May we use the findings to live the rest of 2024 well.