Salt and Light

Salt and Light

Many years ago a Christian politician came to me almost in tears. He said that every year the church would ask all the missionaries to stand. Then the church would pray for them. But no one has ever asked those in public service to stand to receive prayer. Many in the...
No more!

No more!

Source: David Yan Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper’s possession. (Exodus 21:16 NIV) Clearly kidnapping is abhorrent to God. Douglas K. Stuart tells us why. Kidnapping is a capital crime....
Pastor / Politician

Pastor / Politician

Met up with an old friend a recently. He pastors a church back in Malaysia. There was a time in his life when he was deciding between serving in politics and serving as a pastor. That was a critical time in Malaysian politics and we needed good people to stand for...