by Soo-Inn Tan | Jun 30, 2016 | 2016, Articles, Justice, Media, Movies & Television, World Issues
I lost it at Tower Records, 1 Utama Shopping Centre, Petaling Jaya. I can’t remember the year but it was a long time ago when there was still a Tower Records. I had headphones on and was listening to the music of Les Miserables. When I heard “Empty Chairs and Empty...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Jun 16, 2016 | 2016, Articles, Death & Grief, Life Issues, Violence, World Issues
We are just back from the Bintan Lagoon Resort where we had the privilege of ministering at the Bible Church’s annual camp. Wifi there was iffy and we were focused on our ministry, but enough of the news came through for us to hear about the massacre in a gay bar in...