by Soo-Inn Tan | Jan 19, 2024 | 2024, Rest & Busyness, Spiritual Maturity, Work & Vocation
I have had the privilege of serving as the chaplain of the Singapore Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship (CMDF) for some time now. Last weekend we had a leaders’ retreat to plan for the ministry going forward. In preparation for the retreat, our...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Sep 22, 2023 | 2023, Leadership, Spiritual Friendship, Spiritual Maturity
The most interesting teaching I did recently was a day-long webinar on spiritual formation for Asian leaders. I did this at the invitation of my old friend Chris Leong for MPI (Missions Partnership Initiative). What was interesting was the way this webinar was...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Jul 29, 2023 | 2023, Articles, Christian Living, Soo-Inn Tan, Spiritual Friendship, Spiritual Maturity
I am at the tail end of a short visit to Kuala Lumpur / Petaling Jaya, mostly for work and to attend the wedding dinner of our good friends’ son. In between, I am squeezing in as many meet ups with friends as I can. I haven’t been here for awhile. Meeting up with my...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Mar 24, 2023 | 2023, Articles, Christian Identity, Following Jesus, Soo-Inn Tan, Spiritual Maturity, Work & Vocation
D’oh —used to express sudden recognition of a foolish blunder or an ironic turn of events Merriam-Webster Doh Interj. A Gen-X colloquialism conveying an overall feeling of frustration. Slang Define I have taught two courses numerous times. One is a course on...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Feb 10, 2023 | 2023, Happiness, Loving Others, Spiritual Maturity
This is a story about simple habits to improve your happiness and fulfilment in life. It's inspired by the key findings of a huge Harvard University study of happiness that's now gone on for more than 80 years. (Bill Murphy, Jr.) Do you want to be happy...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Aug 26, 2022 | 2022, Articles, Authors, Christian Living, Discernment, Rest & Busyness, Soo-Inn Tan, Spiritual Maturity
This year I find myself feeling more tired more often. At the beginning of the year, I thought it was grief from my mother’s passing in Oct 2021. Then I had COVID in May, and, when that was over, I thought it might be long-COVID. But maybe all that it is, is my body...