Simple Sermons

Simple Sermons

We are just back from taking a church camp. On the last day there was a time for testimonies. Many shared that my sermons were simple. I was glad. That meant folks understood what I was trying to share. A few understood the amount of hard work that goes into making...
Pastor / Politician

Pastor / Politician

Met up with an old friend a recently. He pastors a church back in Malaysia. There was a time in his life when he was deciding between serving in politics and serving as a pastor. That was a critical time in Malaysian politics and we needed good people to stand for...
My Old Body

My Old Body

A few weeks ago my eyes made a decision without consulting me. They decided that they would no longer be satisfied with large print Bibles. From now on they would only read giant print Bibles. I had no say in this decision. I have now purchased a number of giant print...