by Soo-Inn Tan | Dec 3, 2021 | 2021, Articles, Church, Discipleship, Family, Generations Project, Parenting
Of born Protestants whose parents talked about religion “a lot,” 89 percent continue to identify as Protestant. . . . The “raised religious” who are leaving organized religion aren’t, for the most part, those whose parents found purpose...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Nov 26, 2021 | 2021, Articles, Family, God, God's Love, Parenting
I believe children need two things from their parents — unconditional love, and encouragement to excel. I believe our heavenly Parent, Abba Father, gives us both: He loves us unconditionally, yet He wants us to maximise whatever talents He has entrusted to us....
by Soo-Inn Tan | Nov 13, 2020 | 2020, Articles, Family, Parenting
There were a number of highlights during my recent trip to Penang to see my mum. One was the opportunity to celebrate mum’s 93rd birthday. Another was an early birthday celebration for son Andrew. We went to a French restaurant in Bishop Street. The food was good,...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Nov 2, 2017 | 2017, Articles, Family, Marriage, Parenting
I just came back from Penang late last night. Spent a few very special days there. First, we celebrated my mum’s 90th birthday. That would have been special enough. But we also had a short family holiday. There are six in our immediate family: Bernice, myself,...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Jul 14, 2017 | 2017, Articles, Church, Family, Leadership, Parenting
If I were deciding on a career today and did any sort of vocational testing, I am sure I wouldn’t have done dentistry. I would probably have ended up in law, or management or mass communication, but no, not dentistry. Fine detailed handwork is just not me,...
by Soo-Inn Tan | Sep 21, 2012 | 2012, Articles, Family, Media, Movies & Television, Parenting
Do you find yourself tearing more easily when you encounter sad scenes in movies you are watching during a flight? I seem to. In recent times, I had to fight back sobs and tears when the horse, Little Blackie, died in True Grit (2010). And I had a really hard time...